My transition from cluttered to simple living.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Not "Just a Pair of Mittens"

This pair of mittens was knit for me by my "best friend." They were knit shortly after my mother passed away in 2001. They were knit from wool that came from my mom's stash, that was given to my friend. Not only do I think of my mom when I wear them, but I also think on a friendship that has spanned three decades. Together, over the years, we have hashed out problems and victories. We have shared philosophies and recipes. We have inspired, and supported each other. We have been accused of chatting too much...and yet there have been times when we both are speechless.

There must be angels....I wished for a sister... and then there was YOU.

Posted via email from wendyytb's posterous


  1. Nothing comes close to the relationships we have with friends especially the ones we shared our childhood with....they are angels to share your burdens with and love you unconditionaly....I am sure you are her angel as well......Love the mittens.....:-) Hugs

  2. Ahhhh..such a nice post for your friend!

  3. Your friendship with Diane inspires me to have relationships like this. Thank you for choosing her to be my God Mom! Even at the age of 25 she is always there and supporting me!
