We are learning a lot about our little home since the snow arrived... I now know why the previous owners had a rug under the kitchen table. The floor is frigid! When our other home sells, our first project will be to raise this house and insulate the floor.
Our Pellet Stove is doing a fine job of keeping us warm, but when the wind batters us from the north, we have resorted to using a little teeny bit of electric heat. Not the best solution, but for now, it is the only solution on the very coldest nights.
I am already dreaming of spring...and my new garden. I imagine that many are doing the same. All it takes is a few days of below zero temps, blowing snow, and icy northern winds to set me to dreaming of warmer days. This spring will bring new adventures in our little home, and those thoughts will sustain me until my first crocus pokes its nose through the warming, wakening earth. So much to look forward to!
Oh hey, you can be sure I am already dreaming of balmy summer days! Use that heat this winter and stay warm. There's nothing like taking a new house through the seasons to see how she runs. I sure do hope your other house sells so you can make improvements to your place. Maybe a good thick pair of slippers is in order? I've got mine on! Happy holidays. :-D