My transition from cluttered to simple living.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Coop!

Thanks to the efforts of my son, and my hubby, I now have a chicken coop!  Do you know how long I have wanted chickens????

This little gem is big enough for two to three chickens.  A friend has several Banties which he is going to give me.  I am SOOOO excited!!!


  1. That's a designer chicken coop! Nice job boys. Now I'll expect to see the chickens.

  2. How cool! i have another friend who just recently got herself some chicks and she's having fun watching them become kids, then teenagers, and then to become laying hens. I look forward to your progress. Yayy!

  3. HELLO, CHICKEN MAMA! Congratulations!!! Wasn't it you who thought you'd never convince someone?

    Your coop is sweet...and I totally get the excitement thing :-)

  4. It was me, Sue! LOL!! I think the chickens are coming this weekend! I AM excited!!!!!
