My transition from cluttered to simple living.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why dandelions?

I have been reminded by my daughter that I have been AWOL from my blog.  There are times when I look at the page and just do not know what to write.... besides... I have been tremendously busy!  My dad and I took a four week long vegetarian cooking class which was sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventists.  It has just ended, and I now have a little more time to devote to my other making toys for the kids for Christmas...and studying my course in Herbology...and THAT is the reason for the dandelion!

As mentioned before, I am taking Rosemary Gladstar's home study course entitled "The Science and Art of Herbalism."  Once a month we attend a play date at Faunus Herbs...the company that is sponsoring this course.  I absolutely love it.  It is not a chore to sit and study, and I have already learned so much.

Last night I made a tea...or "tisane" of Skullcap.  Skullcap is a delicate little herb that is found in the mountain regions in meadows and near water sources.  It is very useful in treating Nervous system disorders and also helps to maintain the health of the nervous system.

Dandelions have many purposes.  Their leaves and flowers are rich in Vitamin A and C.  The roots are often used to treat liver, gallbladder, kidney and bladder ailments.   The use of dandelion has been approved in Germany as treatment for loss of appetite and has been approved for the treatment of bile flow disturbances.

I highly recommend the purchase of Peterson's Field guide... "Medicinal Plants and Herbs."  It is a wonderful tool in helping to identify herbs...many of which can be found in your own backyard!


Posted via email from wendyytb's posterous


  1. What fun! Cooking classes and herbology, you HAVE been busy. It's nice to know what you've been up to, and that you haven't forgotten me!

  2. Hi Wendy. Sounds like you are a good kinda busy. Thanks for checking in. :-D
