My transition from cluttered to simple living.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lately...every day seems like Christmas!

Everything is new to us in our little home, and we are reminded of our daily blessings. This is our first spring in the new house, and we are constantly surprised. So... before the snow returned to us, I took a walk... I will never tire of this!

This little guy greeted me at our front door. We have had an abundance of Snow birds at our feeder.


They are such a pretty little bird....


Bulbs that I did not plant are poking their noses through the softening soil...


I did plant these raspberry canes and they survived the winter!


I disturbed a bird who is nesting in this box.


Crocus! The first to herald the coming spring!


Lots of surprises!


Rusty was still busy with his Peanut Butter.


So much to see...and hear.


Posted via email from wendyytb's posterous

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Our house is sold!

Rusty and I are celebrating! Our house has sold! Lots of work ahead! Lots to look forward to!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Life is Just One Big Classroom...

My personal belief is, that we are placed here...wherever "here" is learn a lesson or two.  I don't believe that bad things are sent to test us...however, I believe that we are tested on how we deal with life's curve balls.  I believe that every encounter with joy and sorrow hides a lesson of some sort.

I have been fortunate to reach the autumn of my life.  For me, it is a time of reflection.  I think back over the years, and ask myself repeatedly, "Did I handle that right?"  "What could I have done better?"  What lesson was hidden in fabric of that encounter...disaster...relationship?

I believe that many times I did the best I could with the knowledge that I had.  I believe that I am older now, and that I know better, and now do better.  My friend has often said, "Old heads are not borne on young bodies."  I thought of that statement many times when raising three children.  I think of it now, as I reflect on the paths I have chosen, and the way I have handled relationships.

We have struggled over the past year carrying two mortgages.  Would I make the choice that I did last summer to purchase this home in the quick manner that I did,  if faced with the same decision?  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  What have I learned?  I have learned the value of a buck.  I have learned patience.  I have learned to be humble.  I have also learned that if you have enough to get by, that there is always something to share.

There is another side to this coin, however.  At times I ask myself if was foolish to want more.  Perhaps I should have been happy with what I had..which is a lot more than others have.  I certainly was comfortable, surrounded by my accumulations.  That same question is what motivated me to look at a smaller home though.  Living in a 2500 square foot home at this point in my life was comparable to driving a school bus, without passengers,  to work every day.

I think that what I wanted was not more...but less.

So...  I guess I will always mull over those questions..."Did I do it right?  Did I get it right?  What could I have done differently?  Where and what was the lesson?"

Check this out.... 

This lady makes a really good point!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pellets (continued)

We came across another supplier.  While his pellets are more expensive, they are closer than the "fellowwhodoesgiveadamn", and the bonus is that they are coming a shorter distance.  These pellets are manufactured in Palmerston, rather than in the States.  We can save by ordering a skid, and this we will do next winter.

I have been able to turn off the stove during the day and run it in the late evening and overnight.  One bag now lasts two days at $7.49 a bag plus the small amount of electricity it takes to operate the stove.

I am off work for the week...  I have many sewing projects to finish up and hope to begin the process of organizing the MASSIVE garage sale we will be having this summer.

The Canada Geese have returned to our waterfront.  We are also seeing a multitude of returning birds.

Hubby and I had our first bonfire last night.  We are loving our little cottage more with each passing day.

Look around...  What signs of spring are in your backyard?